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The chamber of your cartridge adapter is stainless steel and requires minimal upkeep. Occasionally, wipe the adapter surface clean and apply a light coat of gun oil. With normal use and light loads, full length resizing is not required. However, in the event the mouth becomes dented, it can easily be reshaped using the bullet on a regular cartridge. It can also be reshaped by resizing the adapter in a reloading die of the correct caliber, provided the DECAPPER/EXPANDER ASSEMBLY is REMOVED from the die and the adapter is lubricated to allow full length resizing. Following full length resizing, the expander is replaced in the die and the cartridge adapter raised so that ONLY the mouth is expanded leaving a small shoulder (constriction) in the neck to prevent the projectile from entering the powder cavity when seated.
In the event a light load leaves the projectile lodged in the barrel, it can be discharged by firing a stronger blank WITHOUT another projectile. While out hunting, it is a good idea to carry a strong blank just in case this happens. Under NO circumstances should regular high powered ammunition be fired without verifying that the gun barrel is unobstructed.
Normal gun cleaning is recommended following shooting.

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